주식회사 피더블유그룹은 중국 심천에 제품 소싱 사무실을 두고 중국 전역에서 제품을 소싱하여 공급하고 있습니다.
Our company operates a product sourcing office in Shenzhen, China, and supplies products sourced from all across China. We work closely with trusted suppliers and manufacturers throughout China to ensure the highest quality and competitive pricing for our customers. Our experienced sourcing team diligently identifies and selects products that meet our stringent standards and customer requirements.
Product Categories
식품용기, 커틀러리, 도자기, 금속제 생활용품, 플라스틱제 생활용품, 전기전자용품 등
Food Containers, Cutlery, Ceramicware, Metal Household Goods, Plastic Household Goods, Electrical and Electronic Appliances